OBRAS, bookform, 2015

OBRAS, side-sewn bookform:


Title Page

Page 2 with needlepoint

From across the Atlantic, from Italy, meeting up at the Lisbon Airport, Let the Obras adventure begin.

Scorched dry wheat grass, two kinds of oak, Cork Oak and a live oak called Stone Oak, both a dusty green.

The sky is a different blue today, a thinner blue.  Does that mean it will be hotter?

Ancient grave cairn.  The entrance is aligned to the summer solstice.

The sky is a filled with wispy clouds.  For the first time the hard blue has been interrupted.

Wash Day

Market Day

Clean Sheet Day
Castle of Evoramonte

Walked to the abandoned train station

Exterior walls have a base-board of color often adobe red, yellow ochre or brilliant blue

Each Marble building block of Estremoz Castle has a signature hieroglyph

Street Cobblestones are made of chipped marble
Second Saturday potluck dinner.  No Lentils

One week left.  Began collecting gifts for family and friends.

Another day in Portugal

Marble Quarry

Grape Netting (life hack)
Artist talk and group potluck dinners are every Wednesday and Saturday

Night Sky

Beautiful stone floors

Red Curtains, Gold curtains, Long curtains to keep out the afternoon heat

signature page